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idstringThe ID of the rule.
namestringThe name of the rule.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_casesarrayCases for generating signals.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_createdAtintegerWhen the rule was created, timestamp in milliseconds.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_creationAuthorIdintegerUser ID of the user who created the rule.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_deprecationDateintegerWhen the rule will be deprecated, timestamp in milliseconds.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_filtersarrayAdditional queries to filter matched events before they are processed.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_hasExtendedTitlebooleanWhether the notifications include the triggering group-by values in their title.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_idstringThe ID of the rule.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_isDefaultbooleanWhether the rule is included by default.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_isDeletedbooleanWhether the rule has been deleted.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_isEnabledbooleanWhether the rule is enabled.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_messagestringMessage for generated signals.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_namestringThe name of the rule.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_optionsobjectOptions on rules.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_queriesarrayQueries for selecting logs which are part of the rule.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_tagsarrayTags for generated signals.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_typestringThe rule type.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_updateAuthorIdintegerUser ID of the user who updated the rule.
SecurityMonitoringSignalRuleResponse_versionintegerThe version of the rule.
casesarrayCases for generating signals.
complianceSignalOptionsobjectHow to generate compliance signals. Useful for cloud_configuration rules only.
createdAtintegerWhen the rule was created, timestamp in milliseconds.
creationAuthorIdintegerUser ID of the user who created the rule.
deprecationDateintegerWhen the rule will be deprecated, timestamp in milliseconds.
filtersarrayAdditional queries to filter matched events before they are processed.
hasExtendedTitlebooleanWhether the notifications include the triggering group-by values in their title.
isDefaultbooleanWhether the rule is included by default.
isDeletedbooleanWhether the rule has been deleted.
isEnabledbooleanWhether the rule is enabled.
messagestringMessage for generated signals.
optionsobjectOptions on rules.
queriesarrayQueries for selecting logs which are part of the rule.
tagsarrayTags for generated signals.
typestringThe rule type.
updateAuthorIdintegerUser ID of the user who updated the rule.
versionintegerThe version of the rule.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
get_security_monitoring_ruleSELECTrule_id, dd_siteGet a rule's details.
list_security_monitoring_rulesSELECTdd_siteList rules.
create_security_monitoring_ruleINSERTdd_siteCreate a detection rule.
delete_security_monitoring_ruleDELETErule_id, dd_siteDelete an existing rule. Default rules cannot be deleted.
update_security_monitoring_ruleEXECrule_id, dd_siteUpdate an existing rule. When updating cases, queries or options, the whole field
must be included. For example, when modifying a query all queries must be included.
Default rules can only be updated to be enabled and to change notifications.